
Realia Investments OU is a closed investment company and does not provide financial or investment services.

About Us

Our portfolio:

Our portfolio:

Insurance and Specialist financial services
International banking

Realia Investments OU is a closed investment company and does not provide financial or investment services.

We do not provide customer or advisory service.

We have more than 20 years of experience in financial markets and stock exchanges.We having gone through the crisis years of 2008-2010, we have gained an understanding that the best opportunities often open up during a market decline.

All our investments are carried out exclusively at the expense of our own historically accumulated capital and at the expense of capital borrowed from the company’s founders.

We are not engaged in lending to individuals and legal entities. We do not accept monetary or any form of contributions from third parties.

We plan to expand the capital of the company through additional issues of capital shares..

Our Investment Policy and strategy in the field of investment:

  1. active management of investments,  participate in the governing bodies of their Investees, participate in determining their future strategy and help develop long-term sustainability of their business.

  2. balanced and diversified portfolio of investments in terms of foreign exchange risks and risks of market segments, and the risk of the issuers.

  3. At present, we have dominated investment in zona EU, with the acquisition of shares in communal service companies, oil, gas and transport companies.