All our investments are based on a thorough study of business of companies and fundamental analysis of balance of companies, technical analysis of financial markets and various conservative financial forecasting models.
When investing, the highest possible return is important.
«Realia Investments OU» carries out investment securities transactions (buying and selling of shares) for major world exchanges. Our investment Portfolio of shares is consolidated business project, we prefer to listed companies that are leaders in their respective sectors, and this presupposes stable controlled level of risk. This approach guarantees a better investment than in inaccessible and opaque assets.
parts in % of portfolio:
Global: | |
Repsol YPF | 5.68% |
Iberdrola SA | 7.19% |
ENI SPA | 2.04% |
ENEL SPA | 1.23% |
MBG.DE | 3.12% |
Telefonica SA | 1.76% |
MFEA.MI | 0.96% |
BASF SE | 0.17% |
Stellantis NV | 0.23% |
Infrasructures | . |
ACS AS | 3.04% |
SNAM SPA | 0.11% |
ENGIE SA | 0.08% |
ENAGAS SA | 0.17% |
Tallinna Sadam SA | 0.43% |
IGNITIS Grupe AB | 0.83% |
Enefit Green SA | 0.23% |
Covestro AG | 16.43% |
Services: |
RUBIS SA | 0.23% |
CCEP.AS | 0.17% |
ENDESA SA | 0.24% |
TELIA AB | 0.13% |
CAI.MI | 0.04% |
Freenet AG | 0.84% |
PostNL NV |
Logista Holding SA | 0.36% |
Other: |
Mercialys SA | 0.88% |
FLUIDRA SA | 0.13% |
Tallinna Kaubamaja | 1.13% |
Tallink Group AS |
Banco BPI | 0.03% |
BGenerali | 0.03% |
INTESA | 0.04% |
LHV | 0.01% |
BBVA | 0.04% |
Santander SA |
Credit Agricole | 0.23% |
SWEDBANK AB | 0.11% |
NORDEA | .33% |
UnipolSai SPA 1.13% | |
Mapfre SA | 1.5% |
AXA SA | 0.05% |
NN Group NV | 0.13% |
ASRNL NV | 0.13% |
ENCE SA | 0.25% |
IG.MI | |
Azimut Holding | 0.15% |
GZE | 0.15% |
Delfin Group AS | 0.03% |
To reduce risks, we prefer to invest in Eurobonds, issuers of which are corporations which we know very well and for which traditionally seen more than ten years. In our portfolio also includes the sovereign Eurobonds in Eastern Europe, the Baltics, and Kazakhstan. One of the fundamental economic laws: the higher profitability of investments, the higher the risk.
Accordingly, the most reliable market-based instruments have the lowest yield. And the last statement applies not only to bonds. But though the events of the last years have shown how to bond with the highest AAA rating could turn into garbage, so we do not particularly trust the rating agencies and carry out their own analytical research,’re continuously monitor the bond market and especially the monitoring of specific issuers.
We focus on perspective of business project of companies. When analyzing the business models of companies, it is important to see the demand for products and services of new companies on the market, as well as the advantage over competitors.
Equity investments in Estonian start-up companies and in Estonian IT companies that are active in the field of digitalization of services and application of a range of electronic and digital technologies to communities.
Сooperation and partnership with Tresline Limited (Cyprus)
The portfolio of investment property is into housing development and comercial real estate projects. All real estate projects must be are structured through related companies in order to optimize management and reduce risks.